AURA Foto Ergebnisse


The project partners produce a variety of deliverables to be used for promoting new technologies in the world of music and empowering the music providers to attract new audiences and expand the scope of their cultural programme through virtual soundscape experiences.

Auralised 3D models of three music venues, a technical description of the 3D modelling of the three venues and a documentation of the approach, analytical results and recommendations

3D models of the Great Hall of the Konzerthaus Berlin (Germany), the Opera di Firenze (Italy) and the Lviv Opera House (Ukraine), based on a laser-scanner and Structure from Motion (SfM) survey campaign will be created as demonstrator application featuring a virtual acoustic representation of the three venue and allowing to experience classical music with appropriate auralisation (life-like sound behaviour simulation). A guideline for the auralisation of virtual spaces compiled for organisations and artists that plan to auralise cultural venues, using the three models as demonstrations for different conditions. It will also describe the different experiences with variations of 3 models.

YouTube Demo of auralised model of the Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet

YouTube Demo of auralised model of the Konzerthaus Berlin

Youtube Demo of auralised model of the Opera di Firenze

Three video tutorials – for children, for technicians and architects, for the general public

Video tutorials will be produced, providing an introduction into studies on the relation of audience experience and architectural acoustics and illustrating strategies and rationale for integrating auralisation as part of architectural studies.

Case Study 1 documentation

Outline of the approach, analytical results and recommendations of usefulness of auralisation for music and theatre performers, for mediation and teaching of classical music and theatre, and for musical excellence in the performance, for organising work environments and conditions for musicians, and for promoting European music and performance heritage, European orchestras and ensembles, and European theatre/opera venues and concert halls.

Technical description of the 3D modelling of the three venues

A technical descriptions of procedures and tools used for modelling the music venues in Berlin, Florence and Lviv

Documentation of auralisation techniques for aural production and experience

A guideline for the auralisation of virtual spaces compiled for organisations and artists that plan to auralise cultural venues, using the three models as demonstrations for different conditions. It will also describe the different experiences with variations of 3 models.

Case Study 3 documentation

Outline of the strategies and approach to demonstrate the usefulness and opportunities of auralisation for the music performing industry, the related marketing and tourism businesses. Showcase monetising models and business cases for their sustainable introduction into the music performing businesses.

Supporting tools for business opportunities related to auralisation, marketing strategies and approach

The tools will be designed to demonstrate opportunities of auralisation for the music performing industry and the related marketing and tourism businesses and to showcase monetising models and business cases for their sustainable introduction into the music businesses. Models for tender specifications will empower music venue operators to conduct informed negotiations with IT companies.

White Paper on auralisation

The white paper outlines the approach, analytical results and recommendations of usefulness of auralisation for music and theatre performers, for mediation and teaching of classical music and theatre, and for musical excellence in the performance, for organising work environments and conditions for musicians, and for promoting European music and performance heritage, European orchestras and ensembles, and European music theatres and concert halls.
